assures the efficient and timely execution of the other WPs through continuous monitoring, project meetings, progress reports, quality assurance, impact assessment and remedial actions.
involves adolescents under state care and care leavers in main deliverables’ design, analyses leaving care mechanisms in the EU and identifies effective, trauma-informed transferable practices. It defines the learning outcomes of the CarePath training programme based on the training needs of professionals in the partners’ countries.
entails the capacity building of professionals, through the development of a training programme and a MOOC. Training pilots will be organised to receive feedback and integrate it into the programme. This WP also includes the organization of the train-the-trainer seminars and the delivery of the training program through online workshops.
focuses on the establishment of a sustainable mechanism for the provision of integrated support services to traumatised children leaving care, through the development of a web-based mechanism and a toolkit for professionals and public bodies to facilitate their work, and a roadmap for public authorities to integrate the CarePath deliverables into national child protection systems.
focuses on the implementation of the dissemination and sustainability strategy. It includes the preparation of dissemination materials and the organisation of dissemination activities and events. Sustainability actions entail potential user groups mapping, and a Memorandum of Understanding for public authorities to support mainstreaming of CarePath results.